【質問】TIMEMORE C2、C3どちらを買えばいいでしょうか?
今回の質問: TIMEMORE C2、C3どちらを買えばいいでしょうか?
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00:00 本日の内容
00:47 TIMEMORE C2、C3どちらを買えばいいでしょうか?
05:13 結論
Question: Which one should I buy, TIMEMORE C2 or C3?
Those who are considering their first grinder might find it particularly confusing ^^;
It’s a question we often receive.
Both are basically high-performance grinders. Not just these two, but with any grinder, there are “preferred zones.” In this case, since both have high basic capabilities, it’s not always easy to say definitively which one to go for, but… Which do you prefer, “dark roast” or “light roast”? That might serve as a guideline for your choice.
In addition, with grinders from various manufacturers, Some are specialized for outdoor use, Some are focused on particle size, Some are specialized for espresso, and so on, Each grinder has its own “personality” or specialty. Choosing a grinder can be interesting in that regard ^^
If you have any questions you’d like to ask Coffee Samurai, please leave a comment in the comment section ^^ We’ll try to turn those into videos within our capacity ^^ *Please note that the opinions in the video are strictly “personal opinions,” so please understand. Also, they reflect the opinions at the time of filming.
*Information as of January 2024.
00:00 Today’s content
00:47 Which one should I buy, TIMEMORE C2 or C3?
05:13 Conclusion